Marijuana Detox Drinks, Field Sobriety Tests, and the War on Drugs- You search, I answer
Sitemeter is a great product for bloggers to learn about their readers. Inter alia, it displays the search terms you put into Google that brought you to IWTS.
These are like questions in a way. Each reader is looking for specific information. So let me treat these as a Q/A session.
Remember, this isn’t legal advise. You pay for that. This is blogging.
Search Terms- Where to Find Marijuana Detox Drink in Dallas, Texas
Reader, I feel for you. I believe marijuana should be legal and treated like alcohol. I also have no idea where to get a detox drink in Dallas.
I know what you are thinking. If only you had done some crack, or shot some heroin- because those drugs will not stay in your system as long. Let me assure you that smoking pot is still a much safer recreational experience than other illegal drugs.
I suspect you must take a drug test for probation, or trying to get a job.
If you are on probation that is a great time to quit smoking weed. The State of Texas only approves cigarettes and doctor prescribed drugs while you are on probation. So get some Camels and/or a script for Marinol.
If you are trying to get a job- Don’t work for those idiots. Any company that would waste money screening for cannabis does not deserve your talents.
Search Terms- Field Sobriety Test False Positives
Depends what research you use. Since the SFST are completely subjective they are subject to false positive results. Research has shown a false positive rate between 22-47%.
Search Terms- How Should US War On Drugs Be Changed
Easy. First, here are all my posts on the subject. In Sum- We should allow adults to legally buy the drugs they want for recreational use. That will end the black market, and empty our prisons. We can then focus these criminal justice resources on killers, rapists, terrorists etc. For further reading try StopTheDrugWar.Org.
Labels: DWI, Marijuana, War On Drugs