Dallas Cell Phone Ban- Point/CounterPoint
DMN Letter
The Dallas Morning News Published a letter I sent on the Dallas Cell Phone Ban. IWTS readers will recognize it as an earlier post.
Simple Justice- Cell Phone Kills Children.
Here is a debate I had with Simple Justice’s Scott Greenfield. It’s an interesting read. I think it shows how fear can lead us to give up our freedom. Scott believes this law will keep me from killing his children while driving. I believe it’s more nanny state nonsense.
To Summarize the arguments-
Scott G.
What telephone call is so critical that it worth someone dying for?
Robert G,
Can you tell me what the ratio is of phone calls while driving to accidents?
At that ratio/percentage, how are cell phone in cars not safe?
Scott G.
I need a government that keeps you from killing me or my family by engaging in conduct that is dangerous to me, needless to you, and simply something that you would prefer to do rather than not.
Robert G.
Your justification for the cell phone laws(keeping your family safe), is the same as other failed policies. Positive rights lead to tyranny. Your fear about children dying is the same fear that keeps drugs illegal.