
Who votes on parole in Texas? Where does that happen? How many votes does it take to for parole to be granted?

If you are in prison, headed to prison, or have a loved one in prison, it’s important to understand how parole works in Texas. The first thing to understand is who votes to grant parole in Texas. That function is held by the Board of Pardon and Paroles, and the votes take place at their field offices. Each field office has a parole board members, and two commissioners. That makes up the 3 votes on each parole panel. To grant or deny parole it requires 2 votes.

There are seven field offices in Texas, and they handle the parole hearings for the prisons in there district. The field offices are located in

If you want to help a family member or loved one in their parole hearing, you might be considering speaking with a parole panel member. The Board of Pardon and Paroles recommends that

You may write or call the voting board office and request an interview with a voting parole panel member. Parole panel members, however, are not obligated to conduct interviews with any one except the victim, victim’s family, or guardian of the victim.

However, the Board of Pardon and Parole also says that “An interview merely provides the offender, their family and/or friends the opportunity to speak with a voting parole panel member before the parole panel reviews a case” and may not increase the changes any inmate is granted parole.  That’s why tt’s best to hire a parole attorney who understand the process, and how to get the right information to the parole panel.

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