
Rick Perry Pardons CPS Kidnapping

Texas Governor Rick Perry has opined on the CPS YFZ disaster. What would Mr. Perry have to say to the hundreds of children who were wrongfully taken from their parents?

If responsibility needs to be taken for [court edicts] saying that we stepped across some legal line, I’ll certainly take that responsibility,” Mr. Perry said. “I am substantially less interested in these fine legal lines that we’re discussing than I am about these children’s welfare, that’s where my focus is. That’s where CPS’ focus is.”

How could someone call the law that protects parents from having their children arbitrarily stolen by CPS a “fine legal line”? Statist apologetics are built upon the tyranny of good intentions. Mr. Perry readily endorses this illegal compound raid based on phony evidence, sloppy police work, and religious profiling because CPS meant well.

Rick has also taken it upon himself to accept responsibility for one of the worst bureaucratic disasters in Texas history. If I was responsible for the YFZ disaster I would have the decency to resign. Unfortunately Rick won’t step aside and let someone with less incompetence, hubris, and disdain for freedom run our state, or CPS.

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