
Fort Worth Police DWI No Refusal Policy- There Will Be Blood

The Mornings News has a story on a Fort Worth Policy “no refusal” policy for New Years Eve. Drivers suspected of DWI will be forced to give a blood sample. A typical law enforcement holiday Constitutional desecration of the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendment goes like this.

A suspect will be pulled over for a traffic violation. The officer will then magically find all of these signs of intoxication- bloodshot/glassy eyes, the odor of an alcoholic beverage, and slurred speech (trust me, they always find all three). The officer will fax this information to a friendly magistrate. This magistrate is assigned to sign blood draw warrants upon request. Suspects will then be forced to give a sample of blood and have no recourse if they are found to innocent later.

“We’re going to get our evidence one way or another,” Fort Worth Police Chief
Ralph Mendoza said.

I bet you will Mr. Mendoza. What your fascist collection of blood samples won’t do is save lives. More DWI enforcement is not working. The .08 BAC standard that MADD pushed through Congress has resulted in more arrests and more fatalities. Law enforcement is wasting time arresting drivers who pose no threat to public safety while dangerous drunks go free.

Don’t take my word for it. Here is another quote from Chief Mendoza. Notice the amazing lack of perspective and insight.

DWI arrests have increased 40 percent over the last year, and fatal auto
accidents in Fort Worth also continue to rise, Officer Mendoza said.

Hmmm… more arrests and more fatalities. What’s a police chief to do? Arrest more and get blood!

In 2006, 77 people lost their lives in car crashes, up from 56 in 2003, according to Fort Worth police. The BAC has reached laffer curve effect with regard to fatalities. The lower the BAC, the more wasted resources, the more dangerous drunks get away.

Officer Mendoza will never care that his policy is an affront to Liberty. I only hope that someday Officer Mendoza realizes that his policy is letting deadly drivers go free.

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