
Dallas Morning News Drug War Editorial Formula

The Dallas Morning News Editorial board has a troubling history of drug war cheer leading. Today’s editorial calls for supporting Bush’s new Plan Meridia. Plan Meridia aims to fight the drug cartels in Mexcio by sending billions in cash and equipment to the Mexican government. Bush foreign policy combined with billions in federal giveaways- how could that not work?

Seriously, this editorial is such drivel that has proudly linked to it. ( is there not a law that prevents federal agencies from lobbying for specific bills etc?)

Bush foreign policy combined with billions in federal giveaways- how could that not work?

Being a consistent Morning News reader I have discovered the DMN War on Drugs editorial formula.

1. State Problem caused by War on Drugs
2. Blame everything but War on Drugs for Problem
3. Call for more government to fix Problem
If DMN wants to write editorials about the War on Drugs they should take a little time to study the issue before shooting off poilcy recommendations. Until that happens we can expect more support for proposals designed to fail.

Let”s analyze the logic of Plan Meridia. The American government is going to send billions to Mexico to fight the drug cartels. Meanwhile American consumers send billions to drug cartels to supply drugs.

Before we begin another foreign policy disaster can we consider choosing a new supplier for drugs in America? Only legalizing drugs will put the drug cartels out of business.

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