CP Swinger Party Not Up To Duncanville Police Standards

The debate on the CP raid is evolving. My original post generated some good discussion on liberties, lifestyles, and law enforcement. Thanks to all for reading and posting.

One justification for this raid that hasn’t been discussed is the nanny state view. The idea that adults need police protection from themselves. A great summary of this view if offered by Duncanville Police Detective Dan Hunt. Here is a quote from DMN-

In a city news release issued Wednesday, police Detective Dan Hunt said the Cherry Pit’s owners are endangering and exploiting patrons.

“Individuals that elect to participate in the swingers’ lifestyle behind closed doors should not be charged to do so, and they should not be exposed to disease, fire hazards, or any other dangerous hazardous environment. They [the owners] are taking advantage of swingers while claiming to be champions for their cause.”

We sent the police into a private house at night to ensure a proper swinging environment? Really? I am curious as to Detective Hunt’s expertise on how to conduct a swinger party. Is there police training on swinger etiquette?

I do appreciate arguments against running a business in a residential area. I wouldn’t want any business next door to my house, whether it be a sexually oriented business or a Starbucks.

However, I still believe the proper venue for code enforcement, nuisance claims etc is civil court. A simple injunction or restraining order could address the city’s concerns and give both parties an equal opportunity to litigate their claims.

Sending the police into a private residence at night is simply too dangerous a measure to protect adults from themselves.


4 responses to “CP Swinger Party Not Up To Duncanville Police Standards”

  1. So they were so concerned for the safety of the patrons that they felt the need to kick down their door gestapo style, shove guns in everyone’s faces, take photos, and gather personal information including places of employment?

    “The state knows what is good for you comrade. Don’t ask questions”.

    I don’t swing. But at the same time, people who do aren’t a public health hazard. Someone in DVille doesn’t like the idea of married people engaged in sex with someone other than their spouse. Sad. Public monies can be used for better things than harassing these people.

  2. Lisa says:

    The DVille police department, with Dan Hunt being the newest voice of the city (playing “good cop who doesn’t have any issue with the swing lifestyle”), is having to force evolution of the topic because they realize they were losing the war even with small battles won so to speak.

    Does any of us actually believe this is about being protected from the hosts of swinger parties. Are they protecting us from hosts of any kind of in-home party? Doubtful.

    People aren’t forced to go anywhere and pay money to engage in any type of entertainment, but we all do it. I had people over to my house this last Saturday, and (*gasp*) my guests gave me cash to pay for pizza and snacks. Maybe we need the fire marshal to come in and check my exit strategies and my smoke alarms. Perhaps the next visit should be from the health department to verify if there are any other risks to which I am exposing my friends.

    Let’s hear the details of how these people were being taken advantage of. The city and police keep digging for more and brighter colors for their impressionistic painting. It really is sad that so much law enforcement energy is being focused on something that is essentially harmless to everyone, involved or not.

  3. Jimmy says:

    The Nanny State…

    Well, here is something that I am quite passionate about and I am certain that most people won’t want to hear it… if they did, I don’t think we would have to be dealing with these issues.

    I would like to ask everyone, on BOTH sides of this fence, when are you going to grow up and take responsibility for your problems so the rest of us don’t have to?? I am SOOO sick of hearing people complain about the way the “government” is interfering in one breath and then in their very next breath complain about how the “government” won’t do something about one issue or another!! in this country, and ONLY THIS COUNTRY, do we have the right, the ability, and the means to make FREE choices and make changes… it only means getting off your BUTTS and DOING IT.

    This is really simple people… if you don’t want to have a “government” that dictates to us like we are a bunch of helpless, mindless children, then we need to stop acting like helpless mindless children! Stop asking for governemental intercession and then expecting them to not intercede! for those of you that have children, how can you not see what is happening here? When your child comes to you and demands that you fix it so that they won’t get hurt from falling out of a tree that they insist on climbing, what do you do? If they won’t stop climbing the tree, WE AS THE AUTHORITY, REMOVE THE TREE. We as a society are telling our “government” that we aren’t capable and need them to do it for us… remember the quote from a certain politician of late about hiding behind our guns and religion? What do you REALLY think he was talking about? he was talking about how as a society, we have it in our hands to FIX THESE THINGS if we will just face our fears and problems responsibly.

    What ever happened to “A government of the people, for the people, and by the people”? This is also about how, we as a people, MUST STOP ASKING AND THEN ALLOWING OUR “GOVERNMENT” to do it for us if we want to preserve our rights!!!

    This issue about the Cherry Pit is more than just about a sex club, it truly is an indicator of where our country is headed if we DON”T DO SOMETHING besides complain about how things are. Whether or not we like it, our country is becoming more and more socialistic by the minute and WE are making it happen. Are we really that incompetant and/or frightened of things that aren’t like us that we can’t find a way to be responsible for ourselves and govern ourselves as such? This is still OUR country and we do have the power to make changes here, but not for long if this keeps up. Maybe there are some of us that need to read our constitution again (or for the first time) and remember WHY our country was created and WHAT IT COST OUR ANCESTORS to give it to us. We can’t have it both ways people… it is time to choose. Do you want a “government” that dictates to US, or US to THEM?

    “freedom isn’t free”

  4. john says:

    really, it is interesting that police is protecting the swinger parties. nice blog

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